Partnership with Parents
At Yardley Wood we are delighted to welcome parents. We feel that the interest, support, involvement and cooperation of parents in the life and work of their children are very important.
- Parents are kept informed about the school by means of letters and text communication. There is an opportunity for parents to come to school three times a year to look at their child’s work and talk to teachers about their progress.
- At the end of the year children receive a comprehensive report detailing progress in all subjects, attendance, general attitude to school and behaviour. There is an opportunity for parents to discuss the report with the class teacher.
- We encourage children to talk about their day at school and spend just a little time with their parents in the evenings, sharing a book. Spellings and multiplication tables, practised for a few minutes each evening, have enormous benefits.
Parents may become involved in school in a variety of ways.
- The school has Parent Governors who form part of the Governing Body. Governors meet regularly to check that the school is doing as well as it can.
- Some parents volunteer to help in school during the day. Helping in classes can be very enjoyable as well as valuable experience.
- Help during school visits is always appreciated, as is general support around the school. Anyone wishing to be involved should first approach their child’s class teacher.
- For the protection of pupils, the law requires that anyone working in school, even in a voluntary capacity, must first be subject to a Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) check.
Parents are always welcome to come to school if they need help or information, or wish to make comments or suggestions.
- Class teachers are happy to see parents before 08.50 or after 15.30. Between these times they need to give their full attention to the children in their class.
- The Head Teacher and Deputy Head Teacher willingly see parents during the day, before or after school. However, both have teaching and other commitments and parents are advised to make an appointment if they want to be certain of seeing them.
- Parents are frequently invited to attend school events, including the Friday morning Merit Assembly and other celebration assemblies.
Occasionally, we will send out a questionnaire asking your opinion about aspects of the school. The responses to these will always be taken into account when reviewing school policies.